support through life transitions, changes & challenges

a safe space for you to openly explore and address your thoughts, feelings and life circumstances

  • We lose many things along the journey of life. That can include the loss of loved ones, relationships, our youth and, perhaps, our possessions or our health.

    Sometimes it can be difficult to adapt to these changes. We may find ourselves experiencing a wide range of emotions, from sadness and anxiety to uncertainty, fear or anger.

    From within the fog of these emotions it can seem impossible to make decisions or to move forward.

    Counselling can help you find ways to let go in the ways that feel appropriate to you, to remember without feeling anguish and to move forward positively into the future.

  • Good relationships, whether with friends, family or an intimate other are essential for our sense of wellbeing.

    Sometimes it can be a challenge to create or maintain these good relationships.

    Counselling can help you explore these challenges – to honour your strengths as well as your vulnerabilities both as an individual and in relationship with others.

  • With the mounting pressures of daily life, we all need easy and safe ways to effectively discharge feelings of anger without impacting on those around us.

    It helps your to identify why you’re feeling angry, recognise your anger triggers and consciously choose how you react to those triggers.

    Anger management counselling works because it taps into the core issues, such as hurt, fear, shame and grief that may underpin inappropriate anger.

    Counselling will give you the tools you need to:

    • Reduce your anger and stress levels

    • Communicate effectively

    • Consistently behave in ways that get your needs met – without hurting other people in the process

    • Identify the underlying causes of your anger

    • recognise your personal high-risk triggers, and start using practical tools to effectively manage your anger in these situations

    • Develop skills to create positive outcomes from situation of potential conflict

For appointments and enquiries please use the booking form on this site or phone

0401 570 435