Let Go of Unwanted Habits, Dependencies & Addictions

Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy Quit Smoking and Other Unwanted Habits

food – relationships – sex – love - gaming - shopping - social media – pornography – exercise – extreme sports - gambling - recreational drugs - prescription drugs – smoking – alcohol

What do all these activities have in common?

All of these activities and habits provide a way for us to switch off our thoughts and ‘zone out’ from the stress of everyday life. They can help us avoid anxiety, emotional and physical pain, boredom or loneliness.

However, when any ‘habit’ gets out of hand and starts negatively affecting our health, finances, self-image or relationships it’s probably time to take back control and press the ‘reset button’. 

Hypnotherapy & Counselling is an effective way to let go of both the physical and psychological aspects of unwanted habits & dependencies.

It can help you to identify and address the underlying causes of your unwanted habit/s, learn practical strategies to manage stress and anxiety and create changes in the subconscious programming that currently keeps you 'stuck' in a cycle of dependence

  • In a typical session we work together to:

    explore and address any underlying issues or life circumstances that may be keeping you ‘stuck’ in your unwanted habit/s

    strengthen your motivation and confidence in your ability to make positive changes

    identify triggering situations & thoughts & learn how to change your habitual response to those triggers

    explore ways to ‘fill the gap’ – to replace your unwanted habit with positive lifestyle choices

    learn practical skills & strategies, including self hypnosis, mindfulness & rapid relaxation techniques, to manage stress & anxiety and support long term change

‘ Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes. Including you’.  — Annie Lamott

Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy for Addictions and Compulsive Behaviours

For appointments and enquiries please use the booking form on this site or phone

0401 570 435